KK Bioteknologi Mikroba memiliki enam bidang riset utama yang terdiri dari, (1) nutrition & pharmaceutical (fermented food & feed, dll), (2) agriculture & forestry (biofertilizer, plant-microbes interaction, local microorganism), (3) Aquaculture (zero-waste water, symbiotic, biofloc), (4) Energy (MEOR, MFC, biogas), (5) Environment (bioremediasi, biokorosi, mikrobiologi udara), (6) Biomaterial (bionanomaterial, biopolymer). Keenam topik riset tersebut dikoordinasikan oleh anggota dosen peneliti KK Bioteknologi Mikroba yang saat ini berjumlah 19 orang. KK Bioteknologi Mikroba memiliki tiga orang guru besar, yaitu Prof. Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati, Prof. Dr. Gede Suantika, dan Prof. Dr. I Nyoman P Aryantha.
Research Domain
Beberapa topik penelitian termasuk bioremediasi, biokorosi, dan mikrobiologi udara.
Highlighted Publication
- Purwasena, I. A., Astuti, D. I., Taufik, I., & Putri, F. Z. (2020). The potential of clove essential oil microemulsion as an alternative biocide against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. J. Pure Appl. Microbiol, 14(1), 261-269. https://doi.org/10.22207/JPAM.14.1.27
- Yuk, S., Kamarisima, Azam, A. H., Miyanaga, K., & Tanji, Y. (2020). The contribution of nitrate-reducing bacterium Marinobacter YB03 to biological souring and microbiologically influenced corrosion of carbon steel. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 156, 107520. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2020.107520
Nutrition and Pharmaceutical
Beberapa topik penelitian meliputi pangan dan pakan fermentasi, komponen bioaktif, vaksin rekombinan glikokonjugat, mikrobioma manusia, pengawetan makanan
Highlighted Publication
- Helmi, H., Astuti, D. I., Putri, S. P., Sato, A., Laviña, W. A., Fukusaki, E., & Aditiawati, P. (2022). Dynamic changes in the bacterial community and metabolic profile during fermentation of low-salt shrimp paste (terasi). Metabolites, 12(2), 118. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo12020118
- Kadar, A. D., Aditiawati, P., Astawan, M., Putri, S. P., & Fukusaki, E. (2018). Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry-based metabolomics for the classification of tempe from different regions and production processes in Indonesia. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 126(3), 411-416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiosc.2018.03.020
Beberapa topik penelitian meliputi Zero-Water-Discharge, pakan simbiotik, bioflok, dan aplikasi bakteriofaga untuk penanganan penyakit.
Highlighted Publication
- Situmorang, M. L., Uawisetwathana, U., Arayamethakorn, S., Karoonuthaisiri, N., Rungrassamee, W., Haniswita, H., … & Suantika, G. (2022). Supplementation of ex situ produced bioflocs improves immune response against AHPND in Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) postlarvae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-11966-3
- Situmorang, M. L., Suantika, G., Santoso, M., Khakim, A., Wibowo, I., & Aditiawati, P. (2020). Poly‐β‐Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) improves nursery‐phase pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei defense against vibriosis. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 82(1), 108-114. https://doi.org/10.1002/naaq.10132
Beberapa topik penelitian meliputi mikrobiologi minyak bumi (MEOR), microbial fuel cell (MFC), biogas, biosolubilisasi batu bara, dan biofuel berbasis mikroalga.
Highlighted Publication
- Astuti, D. I., Purwasena, I. A., Priharto, N., Ariadji, T., Afifah, L. N., Saputro, R. B., Aditiawati, P., … & Dewi, U. R. (2022). Bacterial community dynamics during MEOR biostimulation of an oil reservoir in sumatera Indonesia. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109558
- Priharto, N., Ronsse, F., Yildiz, G., Heeres, H. J., Deuss, P. J., & Prins, W. (2020). Fast pyrolysis with fractional condensation of lignin-rich digested stillage from second-generation bioethanol production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 145, 104756. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2019.104756
Agriculture and Forestry
Beberapa topik penelitian meliputi biofertilizer, interaksi mikroba-tumbuhan, dan mikrobiologi tanah.
Highlighted Publication
- Putrie, R. F. W., Aryantha, I. N. P., Iriawati, & Antonius, S. (2020). Diversity of endophytic and rhizosphere bacteria from pineapple (Ananas comosus) plant in semi-arid ecosystem. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(7). https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d210728
- Sambegoro, P., Fitriyanti, M., Budiman, B. A., Kamarisima, Baliwangi, S. W. A., Alverian, C., … , Aditiawati, P., & Nurprasetio, I. P. Bacterial Cell Inactivation Using a Single-Frequency Batch-Type Ultrasound Device. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology, 6(1), 65-80. https://doi.org/10.17509/ijost.v6i1.31516
Beberapa topik penelitian meliputi biopolimer, bionanomaterial. dan mekanika bakteri.
Highlighted Publication
- Sijabat, E. K., Nuruddin, A., Aditiawati, P., & Purwasasmita, B. S. (2020). Flat sheet membrane composite for desalinisation applications based on Bacterial Nanocellulose (BNC) from banana peel waste, cellulose, and silica. Materials Research Express, 7(10), 105004. https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/abba3f
- Aditiawati, P., Dungani, R., Fikri, R. M., & Hartati, S. (2019). Optimization of cellulose nanofiber production from oil palm empty fruit bunch using Trichoderma sp. with the solid state fermentation method. BioResources, 14(2), 3688-3700. https://doi.org/10.15376/biores.14.2.3688-3700
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