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Publikasi 2012

Publikasi Artikel Jurnal Internasional

  1. Suantika, G., Aditiawati , P., Rusni, M., Arief, R. R., Turendro, O. R. 2012. The Use of 3-dimensional Cubical Bamboo Shelter for Nursery Phase Productivity Improvement of Giant Freshwater Prawn ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) using Biofiltration Technology Through The Application of Nitrifying Bacteria and Chlorella sp. in Indoor System. ITB Journal of Sciences , Vol 44A, 2, 129-144.
  2. Zeily Nurachman, Hartati, Syahfitri Anita, Etsuroyya Ewidyasari Anward, Gestria Novirani, Bill Mangindaan, Suryo Gandasasmita, Yana Maolana Syah, Lily Maria Goretty Panggabean, Gede Suantika . 2012. Oil productivity of the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira sp. Bioresources Technology Journal , 108, 240-244.
  3. Suantika , G. , Dea Indriani Astuti , Rifki R Arief, Malendra Rusni, Osman R Turendro. 2012. The Use of Zero Water Discharge Technology through Application of Nitrifying Bacteria and Textile Vertical Substrate For Grow out Phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development , 3 : 139
  4. Restiawaty, E . , Honda, K., Okano, K., Omasa, T., Hirota, R., Kuroda, A., and Ohtake, H. 2012.Construction of membrane-anchoring fusion protein of Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 glycerol kinase and its application to repetitive batchwise reactions . J Biosci. Bioeng. , 113, 521-525.
  5. T. B. M. Mohd , I. U. H. Bhat , A. L. Mohmod , P. Aditiawati , and H. P. S. Abdul Khalil (2012). Thermal and FT-IR Characterization ofGigantochloa levis and Gigantochloa scortechinii Bamboo, a Naturally Occurring Polymeric Composite. J. Polym. Environ . DOI 10.1007/s10924-012-0460-3.
  6. M.Z.I. Sarker, M.A. Elgadir, S.Ferdosh, M.J.H.Akanda, P. Aditiawati , and T. Noda. 2012. Rheological Behavior of Starch-based Biopolymer Mixtures in Selected Processed Foods. Starch – Starke.
  7. Risdianto, H., Sofianti, E., Suhardi, S.H., and Setiadi, T. 2012. Optimization of Laccase Production using White Rot Fungi and Agricultural Wastes in Solid State Fermentation. ITB J.Eng. Sci , 44(2), 93-105
  8. Viera, B.V.E., Madayanti, F., Aryanta, I.N.P ., and Akhmaloka. 2012. Succession of eukaryotic communities during traditional composting of domestic waste based on PCR-DGGE. J. Pure. Appl. Microbiol., 6(2), 525-536

Publikasi Artikel Jurnal Nasional

  1. Munawar, P. Aditiawati, dan D.I. Astuti . 2012. Sequential Isolation of Saturated, Aromatic, Resinic, and Asphaltic Fraction Degrading Bacteria from Oil Contaminated Soil in South Sumatra . Journal Makara Seri Sains: 16 (1) ; http://journal.ui.ac.id/ science/article/view/1282 ; 2012
  2. Sugoro, I., D.I. Astuti , D. Sasongko., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Comparion of Gamma irradiated and Raw Lignite in Bioliquefaction Process by Fungus T5. 2012. Atom Indonesia , 38 (2): 1-6
  3. Sugoro, I., D.I. Astuti ., D. Sasongko., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilisasi Lignit Mentah Hasil Iradiasi Gamma oleh Trichoderma asperellum Jurnal Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi , 8 (1): 21-26
  4. Saepudin , Astuti, D.I . 2012. Pengembangan Model Penerimaan Biopestisida (StudiKasus Petani Sayuran di Desa Cipada Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bandung Barat). Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 27(11), 178-193

Publikasi Buku Teks/Ajar

  1. Penuntun Praktikum Biosistematik Mikroba
  2. SOP Sistem Resirkulasi Akuakultur
  3. Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum untuk mahasiswa D4
  4. Penuntun Praktikum Mikrobiologi Umum untuk mahasiswa pra S2

Publikasi Prosiding Seminar Internasional

  1. Sugoro, I., D. Sasongko., D. I. Astuti, and P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilization of Gamma Irradiated and Acidified Lignite by Extracellular Crude Enzyme of Penicillium sp. American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings.
  2. I. Sugoro, D. Sasongko, D. Indriani, P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilization of Gamma Irradiated and Acidified Lignite by Extracellular Crude Enzyme of Penicillium sp. T he 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung 8-9 November 2012.
  3. Aditiawati, P ., and P.V.P. Devanthi. 2012. Optimization of the length of soybean soaking time and the inoculum ratio of Rhizopus oligosporusand Micrococcus luteus for isoflavone factor-2 production by solid state fermentation. Proceeding of International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (WiSE-HEALTH 2012 ). Bandung, Indonesia
  4. Aditiawati, P. , and L.P.P. Sukma. 2012. Production of Potent Substance for Cosmetic Active Ingredient Using Bacterial Strain (Bacillus sp.strain-S) Isolated from Cianjur Natto. Proceeding of International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (WiSE-HEALTH 2012).Bandung, Indonesia
  5. Astuti, D.I ., and Y.D Utami. 2012. Effect of grape (Vitis vinifera) skin crude extract intake to Pichia vini growth on fedbatch fermentation.Proceeding of International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (WiSE-HEALTH 2012). Bandung, Indonesia
  6. Astuti, D.I., and A.N. Ardea. 2012. Optimization of Kojic Acid Production as an anti-aging compound using variations of carbon sources byAspergillus oryza. Proceeding of International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (WiSE-HEALTH 2012). Bandung, Indonesia
  7. Aditiawati, P ., and A.G. Komarudin. 2012. Production of Isoflavone aglycone as antioxidant comopound from black soybean fermentation using Rhizopus oligosporus due to variation of fermentation time. Proceeding of International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (WiSE-HEALTH 2012). Bandung, Indonesia
  8. Suantika, G ., Anggraini, J., Hasbi, F.A., and Yanuwiarti, N.P.I. 2012.Does Zero Water Discharge technology enhanced culture performance of pacific white shrimp ( L. vannamei ). T he 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung 8-9 November 2012.
Publikasi Prosiding Seminar Nasional
  1. Sugoro, I., L. Sumarlin., Hidayati., D. Sasongko., D. I. Astuti, dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilisasi Lignit: Karakterisasi Produk dan Enzim Ekstraselular oleh Kapang dari Pertambangan Batubara Sumatera Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia dan Musyawarah Nasional APTEKINDO 2012 .
  2. I. Sugoro, D.I. Astuti , D. Sasongko, P. Aditiawati . 2012. Seleksi Fungi Hasil Isolasi dari Area Pertambangan Batubara di Lahat dan Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan, sebagai Agen Biosolubilisasi . Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA Universitas Nusa Bangsa.

Publikasi Presentasi Pada Seminar Internasional

  • Sugoro, I., D. Sasongko., D.I. Astuti., dan P. Aditiawati . 2012. Biosolubilization of Gamma Irradiation Lignite by Penicillium sp. The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment .

Publikasi Presentasi Pada Seminar Nasional

  1. Sugoro, I., Sasongko, D. , Astuti, D.I., dan Aditiawati, P. 2012. Kandungan Logam Batubara Hasil Biosolubilisasi oleh Trichoderma asperellumSeminar Nasional Analisis Aktivasi Neutron . PTNBR-BATAN.
  2. Aryantha, N.P . 2012. Cendawan sumber pangan masa depan. Seminar Kongres Mikologi Indonesia.

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